NMPT LOGO Upper_Lower v2 FINAL.jpeg

Online Class Descriptions

The Pilates Studio at New Motion is committed to high-quality movement and the Pilates principles of working with control, concentration, centering, precision, breath, and flow of exercises.

Pilates Mat Class

Learn the key techniques: breathing, postural alignment, and basic exercises that will get you moving safely and strongly in your life. We'll build from the basics and change it up. Come have fun with us! Uses; foam roller, weights, large ball, and core ball.

Pilates Mat 2-3

Mixed level Pilates class, designed for the EXPERIENCED Pilates student. Exercises range from basics to advanced, with an emphasis on breathing, stabilization, and modifications for bodies with occasional challenges! We use rings, foam rollers, Therabands, weights, and balls. Please check with the instructor before attending class to make sure this is a good match for you and your body.

Osteoporosis Exercise (beg/Int)

This class has site specific weight-bearing exercise to help maintain and improve bone density as well as improve balance, strength and posture to prevent falls/fractures. Uses; bands, tennis ball, hand weights, chair, mat, stick and pillow/cushion